Space ship

So today I woke up at 8.50am. Ron, the guy that we're living at, knocked on my door and asked if i wanted to see the Space ship take off from. Of course! We started to see it on the tv, and then he told us to come with him outside and we saw it go up in the sky. So cool! I've never seen a space ship in real life. I guess I'll never wake up by seeing a space ship the first thing I do in the morning again.
Well, after that we went with his wife, Regina, to get som brunch. And after that we went to one of the biggest malls in Orlando, Mall of Millenium. She decided this morning that she wanted an Ipad so we went with her to get one. Actually she bought two, one for her and one for Ron.

I just ended skyping with my parents, and also Milton. I'm so happy for Milton because she did her first soccer-practice since she torned her ACL in October.

I'm about to go out and socialize a little bit with the family now.

Keep it cool!


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