har inte hunnit göra en summering av brasilien. jag vet inte om jag behöver det. har vart en fantastisk resa och fotbollen har gått utomordentligt bra!
nu har jag skypat klart med min bro from amerikat och är redo att nana mig.
puss och kärlek!
puss och karlek!
The days in Rio has been busy from early morning to late night, and I like it, but I'm so tired!
Today has been the best day. We went all the was up to the Christ statue, which was one of the most amazing things I've ever done! It was awesome!
After the sightseeing we went to lunch and after we had our last game. Unfortunately we lost 4-1. I started as a left wing which went pretty good in the beginning. But I've been sick the two last days, sore throat, coughing, fucked up ears, and it feels like my face is swollen up. So I didn't do as good as the other games.
Well, after the game we've just been chilling at the hotel. We also went to eat. Now I'm in my bed, ready to call it a night.
Tomorrow: beachtime! finally!!
I'm in love..
Yesterday we started to drink at the hotel and eventually we decided to go out. It was the teams and also the coaches, how awesome?! It was insanely awesome! So much fun!
We woke up at 9, and at 10 we went to where you can see Rio from a mountain/island which was totally awesome! After the sightseeing we went to the beach which is fantastic!
Tomorrow we're leaving from the hotel at 9.00 and are going to the Christ Statue, I am SO excited! I love that statue, it's epic! After the sightseeing we're going to play our last game. I am really excited for that too. Hope I'm gonna play attacking wing :) I wanna score tomorrow :D!
Here are some pictures from the trip. Enjoy!

Daniella and I

The teams

Julia, me, Danielle

One word; Epic!

I live Brazil, especially Rio!
I'm abpt to sleep, I'm so tired. Talk to you later!
Rio de Janeiro
I woke up and the first thing I saw was the Jesus statue, CRAZY! I'm in love with that statue.
Tonight has been an awesome night! We've been out on a bar with the teams and the coaches which was so fun!
A few more days and then it's BIG time for me to go home to Sweden! I can't wait! My mom is going to pick me up and straight after the airport we're going to pick my LOVELY nephews Lionel and Maximus up from the kindergarden. I'm looking soooo much forward to it!
1. breakfast at 9am
2. go on sightseeing
3. beach
4. dinner
5. free time
Big time for skype and then sleep!
This W!
Today it was my time to start on the bench. We just played 2*30 today and i came in after 10 minutes. Coach said he wanted me to play somewhere on the attacking positions, and he decided to sub me in to the left wing. In the beginning ot felt so bad and everything went to hell. But after 10 minutes it started to feel so good! I created many good things up there and I had 6 shots on goal, unfortunately none of them went in goal.
But coach was satisfied with me there and I got good feed back from the team mates. I actually enjoyed playing there, I like it!
The stadium we played at was AWESOME, big with bleechers around and great grass.
Tomorrow at 6.30 in the morgning we're checking out from the hotel and go by bus to Rio, I'm so excited!
On the schedule right now: Hanging out with the teams, everyone are so nice and I really enjoying hanging out with them.

Team mates!

Women's team

Brazil vs. USA

The nice stadium we played on today
Take care!
Pool and game
I woke up at 8.30 to go down to the lobby and eat breakfast with some friends from the team. The plans for today is to go to the grocery store, then we're planning on laying by the pool for a while. After that we've the last game in Jundiai. Hope we get that W today!! I also hoping on getting a nice tan since we haven't had the opportunity to lay in the sun yet.
Well, later buddies!
Good night Jundiai
I'm about to sleep now, I'm sickly tired!
Here is ona picture of us in Brazil
Our team with coaches and assistant coach
A brazilian team that the guys met
I've a bunch of pictures, but I don't have the energy to put them up tight now. I'm going to sleep now. Good night USA and BRAZIL, Good Morning SWEDEN!
2-2 and awesome crowd
Just got to the hotel from the game. We ted 2-2. We actually led with 2-0 in halftime and played pretty good, but 10-15 minutes in to the second half we started to play really bad and they scored two goals. I started the game, played the whole first half, and i started on the bench the second half and came in and played the last 25 minutes. My performance was pretty good today too and coach said I had some great times on the field, which felt really good to hear from him.
About the crowd; they are totally crazy! We had about 60 people in the crowd, and most of them are teenagers. After our two games, they come to us and wants to have our autographs, t-shirts, patches and so on. They surround the whole team and are totally crazy! It ends with that our coach has to beg them to leave, otherwise they won't let us go. I think they are amazing!
About to take a shower and than we're going to eat with the teams.
Pictures coming later :)
Game 2
Good morning Jundiai
Today's schedule:
1. breakfast
2. watch the guy's game
3. lunch
4. our game
5. dinner
We've one game saturday as well, and on sunday we check out from the hotel and go from Jundiai to Rio De Janeiro. How awesome is that?!

First game
We had our first game today. Horrible since I haven't slept for.. I don't know how long.
However, we played on a really nice field against a professional team from Brazil. We lost 5-0 which suck but we kind of have our reasons to why it went like it did. We played pretty good since it's our first time plating with each other and just had two practices.
Personally it went pretty good. I played defensive midfield. I started the game and played the whole first half and 20 minutes of the second. We just played 2*35 minutes.
Tomorrow is another game and we better win that!
While I'm here in Brazil, it's pretty hard to get in touch with me since we just have around two hours every day when we can du what we want, and it's between 9-11pm brazilian time. I know it's in the middle of the night for my swedes though, and that sucks, but I'm coming home!
Lots of love and take care!
Dagens sanning: Mr boss man, jag saknar dig!
My flight from Miami to Sao Paulo
So, I'm gonna tell what happened to me when we were going from Miami to Sao Paulo. First, me and another guy on the men's team got seat numbers way back in the plane (from Orlando to Miami). When we eventually came there, there were 2 flights that was going to Sao Paulo, 8.25pm and 9.25pm and we landed in Miami 7.30. The whole team, except me and this guy, got tickets to the later flight which was better since the boarding time on the earliest flight was 7.25pm (when we still hadn't landed). First, the coach thought all of us had the same flight, but apparently not. However, me and this guy ran through the whole airport and came to the check-in at 8.00pm and we had very luck. When i'm coming into the plane, my seat is beside a HUGE man who took some part of my seat and even my space for my legs. I didn't sleep at all that flight.
Nightmare flight! A good thing was that the guy next to me had lots of interest stuff to talk about. I think I've very unlucky when it comes to flights, but I've luck when it comes to my seat-neighbours.
Going to BRAZIL
I'm in a hurry, we're gonna check out from the hotel go and eat and then it's big time!! I'm just saying!
First practice
We had the first practice with the team today. We started with jogging around and pass the ball around us as a warm up. Pretty easy warm up and I guess they just wanted to see our touches. After the warm up they divided us into two groups, and we played 6v6. It went pretty good for me since it was the first time touching a ball for me since forever. I played the whole practice without any sub.
I didn't really see that much of the girls, no one was outstanding. To be honest, I have been a little worried about how good they all are gonna be, but I'm not worried anymore. A thing the one girl on the team did that was outstanding was a flip-over throw-in, that was crazy and her throw-in was as long as a corner kick.
Well, that's pretty much what was happening on the practice today. We're gonna have another practice session tomorrow in the morning.
Tomorrow's agenda:
1. Wake up at 7.30 and eat breakfast
2. Leave from the hotel at 8.30 to the fields for practice
3. Shower, eat lunch, pack the bags
4. Check out from the hotel and leave to the airport
5. GO TO BRAZIL!! (Orlando-Miami-Sao Paulo)
And I also have number 6 on my jersey, how awesome?
We're gonna head over to the field to have our first practice, just a light one.
Tomorrow it's big time for BRAZIL!!
In an hour we're gonna eat lunch with everyone and have a meeting. The girls and guys are gonna get their clothes and so on.
This trip has started so good, and it's just gonna get better!
Simma lugnt, as we say in Sweden!
Today's schedule:
1. Go to the airport and greet the team mates
2. Whenever all of us are here, the rest of the team are gonna get all the clothes
3. Meeting
4. Dinner with the teams
5. First prectice at 8pm i guess
Now, big time for that breakfast that's waiting on us down in the lobby!
Ron's house
Here are some pictures of the house we were staying at
The room I had
The kitchen. Not a good picture, but it is soo nice!
An awesome pool. I love it!
And here is Ron at the grill. Lovely!
Big time for me to go down to the fitness center and have a little work out. I haven't worked out in a couple of days.
Later dudes!
Spring Hill Suites
We have met the Coach and he is really nice. We also met one of the team mates, Brianne. Me and Danielle and Brianne went out to eat and just got back to the room.
This trip has started really good and I really enjoy the time here in Orlando. I guess it can just be better and better! Tomorrow we're gonna meet the whole team and I'm really excited! We're also gonna have the first prectice tomorrow night. Cross your fingers for me!
Pictures of Ron's and Regina's house will be up soon!
Space ship
So today I woke up at 8.50am. Ron, the guy that we're living at, knocked on my door and asked if i wanted to see the Space ship take off from. Of course! We started to see it on the tv, and then he told us to come with him outside and we saw it go up in the sky. So cool! I've never seen a space ship in real life. I guess I'll never wake up by seeing a space ship the first thing I do in the morning again.
Well, after that we went with his wife, Regina, to get som brunch. And after that we went to one of the biggest malls in Orlando, Mall of Millenium. She decided this morning that she wanted an Ipad so we went with her to get one. Actually she bought two, one for her and one for Ron.
I just ended skyping with my parents, and also Milton. I'm so happy for Milton because she did her first soccer-practice since she torned her ACL in October.
I'm about to go out and socialize a little bit with the family now.
Keep it cool!
We just came home from Applebee's and Danielle and I are watching tv.
By the way, we got our track suits, t-shirts, and shorts today. They are pretty nice, I like them! Tomorrow we'll probably get the game clothes. Hope I get number 6!!
Ron, the guy who arrange the whole Brazil trip, picked me and another girl up at the airport earlier today. We're now at his spot, which is totally awesome! The house is brand new and he also has a pool. I'm in love with this house! I also got an own room to stay in which is really good.
I just ate lunch that his wife made to us, good stuff! We're probably going out to the beach later to see what's good.
Well, I'll uppdate more later on. I'm about to go out in the sun and might try this pool out :D
Later buddies!
Virginia Beach!
Då är väskan packad, lägenheten städad och jag är helt död. Imorgonbitti ska jag upp och träna och sen fixa iordning det sista för att åka till Virginia Beach. Det är jag och Josefin som åker och vi ska bo hos en tjej i vårt lag. Det ska bli helt fantastiskt att komma ifrån Danville ett tag.
Har även börjat packa min väska för Brasilien och Svenneland. Nu är jag snart där, och snart hemma!
Måste nana mig nu, vi hörs av på lördag när jag kommer hem igen.
Keep it cool, don't do anything stupid and love y'all!
i dagen, på dagen, under dagen
har nu sovit helt själv i min lägenhet i två dagar. waaah, trodde fan aldrig att jag skulle göra det. första natten var jag tom helt själv i hela huset. nöjd jag är nu eller :D
på dagen på dagarnas dags agenda:
1. städa lägenheten (snälle josefin erbjöd sig att hjälpa till, underbart!)
2. tvätta alla kläder som ska med till brasseland/svenneland
3. träna
4. pyjamas kväll med josefin som sedan ska nana här
imorgon bär det av till virginia beach, hur underbart? vi får se vad beachen har att erbjuda
keep it cool hoes n bros!
Loneliness and Kid Cudi
Har hangt hela kvallen med Josefin och tva football killar. Lirat kort och softat. Ligger nu i sangen och lyssnar pa GRYMME Cudi! Han e fan helt fantastisk!
New neighbors
Jobbet för denna helg är över. Direkt efter jobbet åkte Josefin och jag och köpte mat och åkte hem till henne och käkade. Kom precis innanför dörren. Ska duscha för att sen möta upp Josefin igen och gå över till några football killar som fortfarande är på campus. Sen blir det förmodligen att gå hem till mina nya grannar och kröka lite lätt. Ett härligt slut på denna helg.
Nu måste jag gå och duscha, annars somnar jag här.
Ps. Min kudde luktar gott :D
gick upp vid 9 idag for att aka och jobba vid 10. nu ar jag hemma och har precis atit lunch och atit eb daim, gott!
ska tillbaks till jobbet vid 4 igen for att jobba till 8.
fundering: ska jag ta en nap eller se en film?
Har haft en riktigt härlig kväll med Josefin. Det blev aldrig aviation killarna, hon kom över till mitt crib istället och vi gjorde tacos och drack öl och vin.
Nu ligger jag i min säng i min ensamhet, ska upp vid 9 imorgon för jag ska jobba. Därefter blir det nog en löprunda igen. Har kommit på att det är riktigt nice med löprundor!
Ps. Jag saknar dig redan!
Kom hem ifrån jobb för en stund sedan. Har även hunnit med en snabblunch och prata med min älskade familj som jag snart kommer få se.
Igår hängde jag med min homeboy hela dagen. Vi bowlade, käkade på Ruby Tuesday, gick på bio (Fast Five), och spelade yatzy. En riktigt nice dag faktiskt.
Ikväll ska jag hänga med Josefin, vi ska dricka vin och grilla hos aviation killarna. Skall även hinna med att gå ut och springa. En riktigt nice dag idag också!

Bowlingen gick käpprätt åt helvete!
Later dudes!
Summer Work Out
Dar har ni lanken om ni vill se mig svettas :)
10 dagar
Plus i kanten: Coachen som jag ska bo hos i två dagar har en pool. Nice!
Virginia Beach
Boysen har nu begett sig ner emot Miami sa det ar ganska tomt har nu. Milton och timi aker hem imorgon. Bara nagra fa kvar ifran skolan nu.
I nasta vecka ska Josefin och jag aka till Virginia Beach och vara dar i nagra dagar, det ska bli grymme!
Har precis tryckt i mig en go javla glass med min homeboy. Han fick bjuda mig eftersom jag vann tavlingen om hur mycket pengar det var i en skal jag hade.
Nu pa schemat: Movietime!
Later buddies!
The Visual Art - B
Natural History Of VA - A
Introduction To Literature - B
Principles Of Mathematics - A
Soccer - A
Detta ger mig ett GPA pa 3.69 vilket ar helt reko, dock samre an forra terminen da jag hade 3.79, men det duger. Basta man kan ha ar 4.0 vilket ar A i alla kurser.
BDubs var riktigt nice med the homies. Dags att saga hejda till my beloved boys som lamnar mig for Miami imorgonbitti.
God morgon Sverige, God natt USA!
En harlig dag
Finns dock e som saknas :)
All karlek!
KickBack Jack's
Coachade vårt U-14 team för sista gången idag. Vi avslutade säsongen med en go vinst på 8-1.
Har även varit ute och käkat en go middag på Kick Back Jack's. Därefter drog vi till några i laget och chillade lite, mycket trevligt!
Nu ska jag nana mig!
Ps. Jag beklagar sorgen och önskar att jag kunde göra något för dig <3 <3
Osama Bin Laden
Nu e fanimej den javlen dod!
2 veckor
kan man inte fa ha bade sverige, brasilien och usa i narheten? sa man kan bestamma varje morgon vart man vill vara?